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Lessons For Nigerian Politicians

Lessons from David

As a concluding chapter, it is good to draw some lessons from the earlier chapters. The stories of the great men who lived in the past are told in the present so that we can compare our lives to theirs and learn something for our existence (1 Corinthian 10:11). David
lived a life that gave glory to God all through his days. You politicians, what percentage of your lives gives glory to God? David lived his life for his people –the people of Israel. As a youth, he risked his life against the giant, Goliath of Gath. He was not after his personal protection, fame and glory. Today, there are giants tougher than Goliath in our country. God is looking for men to face these giants. As in the days of David, genuine soldiers to face the Goliaths are lacking.

One of the great “Goliaths” in Nigeria today is corruption. Every politician shivers from head to toe once they see this giant just like the Israeli soldiers during the time of David when they saw Goliath (1 Samuel 17: 11, 24). God is looking for a David to face the giant called Corruption. Such a politician would not count his life as dear to himself. He must neglect loud-mouthed people who think they are very experienced in political and economic matters.
Remember that there were great warriors in the warfront before David came. He was not even a great warrior, as he was not enlisted in the army of Israel. He had no military experience, but the Holy Spirit who is the master of experiences.

David depended on God instead of past military experience. His brothers who were experienced were also there in the war front. He did not behave or think like his brothers. He did not believe in the “Nigerian factor” when it came to facing the giant. In fact, it is a part of the weapons of the giants for killing the people. It is part of the armour of war of the enemy. You cannot wear it to face giants. That was why he refused the armour of Saul (1 Samuel 17: 38-39). After all, Goliath wore similar armour. The enemies may even have superior armours. With a catapult, he brought down the giant and cut off his head. What the politician God is looking for may use to bring down the giant of corruption may not be a popular economic or political tool. God will however, give that instrument the propulsion necessary to change the ugly situation.

Where are the Davids in the land? We also need to have a look at the other side of David’s life.
David caused the death of Uriah the Hittite after an adulterous relationship with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife (2Samuel 11). David never fully recovered from this evil deed. Problem after problem followed his government. His children began to rape and kill each other. His own son, Absalom, tried to overthrow him and lost his life in the process. These were all as a result of adultery and murder. How can those politicians who may never have had any good standing before God, ever escape the wrath of God both now and in the world to come? You that amass wealth, women and titles, how will you be able to carry the load these sins will place on your shoulders (and perhaps those of your children)? You amass women including those married by others. In fact, you may correctly be called “minister for women affairs” even though you have wives and concubines.

If David, “a man after God’s heart” could not escape the punishments resulting from his own sins, I do not see you escaping your own. The “glory” you see now, you will soon see no more, even though at the end men may write, “Transition to Glory.” You have used money to acquire titles that have no bearing with your actual character. Such titles may have been bestowed on you by ungodly men during ungodly ceremonies. You never deservedly acquired any. Men who
conquered their generations did not use titles. They relied on God. You cannot be different.

Jesus as a Pattern Politician
Jesus did not only come to teach us how to pave our way to heaven, He also taught us how to govern the planet earth. It is therefore good that we draw a few lines from His life for our own

His Relationship with His Disciples
The relationship of Jesus Christ towards His disciples should teach any political leader how to govern. He was first and foremost after the betterment of their lives. He taught them early how to live the kingdom life-style in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7). He was not like the political leaders who want people around them to make mistakes so they can be replaced with other people. He defended them and their actions whenever they were accused, after which He
would take them aside and teach them thoroughly.

He lived and died for them. He was not the type that amassed wealth for His immediate family. In fact, wealth to him was not a matter to be thought about, because, “Your heavenly father knows that you have need of all these things”. He had a very transparent government. He cared for the people spiritually, physically and even individually and intimately. He was not a tribal bigot, as His own people were the people that rejected Him most. His dealings upon the lives of men were not based on any reciprocal terms. After all, He knew that the heart of man was evil. Any man who is very critical about the attitude of men will do little or nothing for them. Jesus was not so because He even taught that God makes His rain to fall on both the good and the bad people alike.

You politicians that will not allow any development project to be located in some areas because they did not vote for you as expected, learn a lesson from the Master. Even in the matter of selection of those to work in your cabinet, you are very careful so that no Judas may be found among them. Jesus had more than one Judas but He knew how to work on them until only one was lost. As for you, all the members of your cabinet may be Judas but you bring out only the person that disagrees with you to face trial for charges of corruption. Judas was not made to face any such commission or tribunal but he destroyed himself.
Those you are protecting in your cabinet will undergo self- destruction. In fact, the problem is not even members of your cabinet. The man at the helm of affairs is the problem. Once the
head is sick, the body cannot be normal. You cannot see a mad man with clean body because his “head is already dirty.” No servant is greater than his master!

His Attitude to Power
Jesus came to serve and not to be served. His idea of “follow me” was as direct as stated. He did most of the things while the people watched. He did not send out any person to do his dirty jobs for Him. In fact, He had no dirty jobs to do. His teaching was that “the greatest among you must be the servant of all.” This servanthood is critical for any Christian politician to succeed. In fact, the word “minister” means servant. I am sure many people will not be clamouring for ministerial position if they are actually there to serve. They go there as benefactors. They know they will benefit from the tax and sweat of the people.

We must follow Jesus in His ways of leadership, His way of dealing with His followers, His sleeping habit, His eating habit, His relationship with non-Christians, etc. We must carry Christ to the public life. In other words, we must carry his life during church attendance, fellowship, retreat or even revival to public life. Why many Christian politicians fail is because they have “multiple lives”. There is one that is lived on Sundays, and there are others to be lived during political rallies, during campaigns, during meetings and yet another in political office when it is time to take decisions on monetary matters and office sharing.
This series have tried to show that those who succeeded in public offices in both the Old and New Testament times had a singular life to live. The pattern of life during worship was carried to the public office. Thus, people like David, Daniel, Nehemiah, etc., who carried anointing for leadership had a testimony that they stood well before God. For modern-day politicians to succeed, they cannot do otherwise. Such a politician must follow in the steps of Jesus. There
were ways Jesus behaved that both heaven and hell testified that He was and still is, the King of kings. After all, being a king is all aboutmleadership.

Every politician must therefore learn to walk in His steps. Remember that God is satisfied with all Jesus does. He is the beloved Son in whom God is well pleased! Jesus came to speak to us by His life. Many politicians speak only with their mouths. They have no life to be desired by men. Jesus both spoke and lived out what He said. For the kingdom of God to come in our nation and in other lands, we have to learn to return to the old path. Fear of God should be enthroned in the heart of politicians in all things, starting from private to public life. God is waiting for us to obey and He will personally give the grace. He is always willing, but are we?

M. U. Adikwu writes from Abuja, and can be reached through 08034378988, email: adikwu@yahoo.com

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