By Bar Ferdinand Onukwube
I was there at the supreme court that day (Friday 15, December 2023) , though appeared in another case for judgement. Out of the nine matters for judgment all of them were dismissed.
During Nnamdi Kanu’s judgement, which was the last , the sole justice that sat, started with lecturing, by blaming the Federal Government agencies for taking laws unto their hands, hailed Kanu for doing what every reasonable man should have done by escaping for his dear life at the point of unwarranted brutal invasion.
Came back and blamed our legislations for not making any pronouncement as to remedy to an accused in a situation where the law enforcement agencies use illegality to enforce the laws.
On the other hand agreed with the respondent counsel (Chief Kanu Agabi and Prof Mike Ozohkome ) regarding the foreign authorities they cited to back up their brief of argument. But to our amazement, they said that they can not follow those cited foreign authorities.
Also highlighted the fact that the trial court and the appellate court struck out a good number of the count charges against him.
In fact, while he was saying all these, everyone in court thought that Ohamadike will be freed today, Friday 15, December 2023.; suddenly, he jumped into conclusion that using illegal means to extradite him even to the embarrassment of Nigeria before the whole world (he even mentioned the negative impact of Umaru Diko’s case on Nigerian’s diplomatic ties with UK).
Fiam, the next thing was, ”This appeals are hereby dismissed. That he should go back and face his trial.”
It was as if the whole court room was sank into an ocean.
When he saw the damped mood of everyone in the court room, he called Chief Kanu Agabi and started encouraging him, by saying, ”Chief you know that great warriors don’t win all their battles. That he wants him to be strong and take the judgment in good Faith.”