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By Prophetess Omotunde Alawode

Text: Genesis 1: 26-27; Ephesians 2: 10
John – 15: 14; Colossians 3: 10

The word mutuality is the act of oneness with whatever is dear to one. This can only be achieved by people of like-minds. Only those that understand the mood, need, situation of one another can be termed to be in mutuality with one another. A marriage that has each other in mind and thinks about each other every moment is usually connote as marriage made in heaven by Godly people, because of the mutuality in such home. Whatever the wife wants are always provided within the means and reach of the husband.

In another given scenario, children from a mutual home are always seen as pampered because they are beloved of their both parents. And at such when we talk about mutuality with God, we are talking about deep love and in fact romance with God which gives one direct assess to our creator. No wonder the word Jacob I love worked for Israel till date for he and his descendants were beloved of God.
This now brings us back to ask ourselves, are we, as Christians, have a place in God’s heart? Do we know how worth in God and utilize it to the maximum or are we still timid and coward in God’s presence?
Let’s examine our association, acquaintance and closeness with God via the above exhortation. We all want to eat from the richness of God; we want to enjoy His presence and His goodness. However, the question is, are we in mutual consent with God? Are we acquainted with Him or better still, are we His friends?
Let me ask again, can you compare your relationship with God to your relationship with your parents, siblings or friends? Which of the relationships could be said to be rosy and smooth? Is it relationship with God or our relationship with family and friends? If fact should be told, we will discover that we water, oil or boast our relationship with friends and family more than how we boast our association with God. And that is not supposed to be. We are expected to grow our relationship with God; familialize ourselves with God; Grow our relationship with Him. For example, if you see a couple with good relationship, they walk hand-in-hand, embrace and eye each other with a cheeky smile.

That is similar to what is expected of us with our Creator. Our relationship with God should show true love; walking hand-in-hand with Him; doing what will gladden Him at all times; discussing all our good and bad times with Him with total union of souls; being bold to showcase our God because we have mutual understanding with Him. We are expected to make our relationship with our Creator to please Him vis-a-vis calling Him regularly, communing with Him almost all the time, trusting Him in all our affairs; working and walking hand-in-hand with Him and by so doing, He will make us see and enjoy His just like a darling daughter and son enjoys their father.
Mutuality with God gives the father opportunity to take pride in His children. He is waiting for us to come back to Him and, like the prodigal son who made bold to go back to His father, our Father will gladly welcome us back.
From the onset, there was mutuality with God starting from creation. God and man had same nature during and a little after creation hence he normally visit mankind and commune with us. We have unity of purpose; of vision and mission. That was the reason for creation of mankind. God wants man to take up the responsibility of caring for all creation and so He made us god over all that He created. Unfortunately, disobedience to His authority made us lose the right to be body and flesh of The Creator (Genesis 3: 1-23).
If there was no disagreement within man and God in Garden of Eden, mutuality of God and man would not have been interrupted. Man would have had everything perfect without a break or distortion.
Now examine your devotion and relationship with your bosom friend, your childhood acquaintances and compare same with the way you love and walk with God and you will see that you have neglected or rather created a gap between you and God. Do you discuss details with God as you do with your friends, whereby you go into details exposing your weakness, your sorrow and your joy to your perceived friends?
Listen brothers and sisters, our grace for mutuality to God has been redeemed. Jesus Christ has bridged the gap making it possible for mutuality to exist between mankind and God. We need to utilize this grace and let Him be our confidant for He said, we are His friends if we do as He has commanded (John 15: 14).
As we cliff to Him, we would start to enjoy all the benefits of being a child and an associate unto God Almighty
As we dwell in Him, relating all our needs, desires and aspirations with Him, we have full audacity to relate with God through Jesus with total mutuality (Colossians 3: 10). Its high time you and I grabbed the opportunity given to us in Christ Jesus. Its time you, we allow your, our friendship with God count. The time is now for us all to utilize the opportunity granted us by the redemption given to us by Jesus Christ. I trust we will all grab the opportunity and abundant grace shall abound with us as we so do, amen. Please note that mutuality with God grants us all that God desires for us. Why wait again? The time is now for you and I to rekindle our mutuality with God and key into His grace, through our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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