By Fidel Ozugha
The above question does not need an oral answer.
If my instincts serve me well, I hear an avalanche of response like this:
Tufiakwa! God forbid!! It can’t happen!!! It’s not possible.
Obeledu, a salient but seriously-minded community in Anambra State, shares Anaocha Local Government Area with other communities like Aguluzigbo, Agulu, Neni, Ichida, Adazi-Ani, Adazi-Enu, Adazi-Nnukwu, Akwaeze and Nri.
There are many things that make this town of high achievers tick. One of such is eagerness and ability to set a goal and achieve it at a record time. And this is what made us to notice her amidst comity of communities in Anambra State.
Addressing a galaxy of leaders of communities in Anambra State, otherwise called Presidents-General (PGs) in one of their monthly first Saturday of every month meeting in Anambra State Association of Town Unions (ASATU) Secretariat, an announcement was made by a group called Mindset Cultivation Network (MCN) that there would be a community-based Mathematics and Igbo Language competition.
It involved all the 179 communities, 21 local government areas and the three senatorial zones in the State. Saliently spiced and raced with every ingredient of seriousness and commitment, Obeledu took it home. What has been uppermost thing in her mind is to participate fully, and thereby win the giant trophy. Action speaks louder than words!
She did not mount any podium to announce her eagerness and readiness to beat your beloved town. She didn’t go to any media house, be it a radio or television station to declare combatant ready with any town in Anambra State, including your town.
No! She did none of the above.
As a practical and wise community, Obeledu knows that wisdom is the ability to obtain information and use it profitably. Thus she got every necessary information disseminated which included that every community must send two coordinators to liaise with the organizers of the event – Mindset Cultivation Network and put them down in her diary and went home with a focus
Then she got also that the competitions are meant for those that just finished their Junior WAEC (JS3 students) and will enter into SS1 class in the next academic year in September or thereabout in 2024.
Armed with these rich pieces of information, Obeledu went home as happy proactive and practical community that knows her onion.
Like a banana shot from the booth of the legend footballer, Chairman Christian Chukwu of Rangers Football Club of Enugu, names of two firebrand coordinators Nkechi Asuzu and Matthew Okoyeocha landed on the table of the Project Manager of the competitions. Let’s give credit to Lady P. C. Okafor the Chairperson of Education Committee in Obeledu. She stands when others are sitting, and becomes outstanding when others stand. We celebrate you Ma.
Nkechi Asuzu, female coordinator of Obeledu community
Mind you, most of other communities were (and are) still contemplating whether to participate or not. Indecision! Guess which communities will go home with plastic cups.
So while some communities, including yours, perhaps, are ignorant of the program, even when Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) Awka and Onitsha stations are busy 24/7 playing the jingles raced with evergreen music of Christy Essien Igbokwe (Tetanu N’ura), many communities, including yours, have been snoring.
So today, the required six students (3 males and 3 females) from each community, Obeledu has not only assembled her squad ready and willing to beat your community, but has also seriously trained and drilled them in accuracy and speed as the hearth-trick to use to disgrace your community.
I pity any stubborn town, be it Isuofia where Gov Chukwuma Soludo (the incumbent Governor of Anambra State) hails from, or Aguleri where the immediate former Governor Willy Obiano was born. With this competition, one wonders if Willy is still working, why is a prominent and historic town like Aguleri conspicuously absent. I beg to dis agree that fear or phobia for Mathematics made her to hide behind the banana tree in her compound. No, it can’t be! Aguleri is not a town of cowards. Go and verify1
Take it to the bank, not a Microfinance bank or a commercial bank, but to the World Bank in Washington DC, Obeledu, I am cocksure, will not even pity Igbo Ukwu because of demise of highly valued Okwadike, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife or Uli community that lost Dr Chinwoke Mbadinuju, in this competition.
Matthew Okoyeocha, male coordinator of Obeledu community
Even Agulu, despite her brainy son, Peter Obi, dares not try Obeledu. If she does, sorry may mean much to the experience she will go home with.
So what will you do if Obeledu beats your community in the forthcoming Mathematics and Igbo language competitions (AKWAA-AKWURU/ OKA-IBE)?
Well, you can GO TO COURT!
But before considering that option, send two male and female youths as coordinators of your community, get the required six students (3 male and 3 female) to represent your historic community. The six students will be your town team and must be given a team name, just as we have the Golden Eaglets of Nigeria.
You can name your team ‘UGEGBE AGBA OFUU’ or OMUTA OKARISIA, etc.
No English name is accepted. Team names MUST be in Igbo.
I will tell you another community that has been warming up to disgrace your community. So I suggest that you dare not come out to compete. Let phobia for Mathematics and fear of Obeledu continue to govern your community.
We dedicate this to Dr. F. C. Ogbalu, the Father of Igbo language and Prof. Chike Obi, the Great Mathematician the world respected.
Ogbalu was from Abagana and Chike Obi from Onitsha. Let’s see if the fire in these legends is still in their communities.
If Enugwu Ukwu or Nimo has shown any interest in the competition, then their chances of taking away the honour and legacy Abagana inherited from F. C. Ogbalu. may be considered.
If Nnewi, filled with the spirit of late Dim Emeka Ojukwu, or Awka breathing like Prof Kenneth Dike, may not find it easy to reach the grand finale since Ogidi town will be there with the spirit of Chinua Achebe. I pity Onitsha if they just relax and come with low preparation.
If you fail to prepare, you have prepared to fail but don’t forget that Anambra is, unarguably, Light of the Nation
Tune to ABS radio stations Awka and Onitsha for details.