In tracing the cause of stormy weather in a citadel of learning as the Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK), Awka a concerned member of the University community addressed the matter that has taken a new dimension as it warms up to stifle conducive environment good for academic pursuit thus:
The issue at stake as regards the Ag VC appointment is that the due process was not followed and that definitely has given the University an odd way of doing the proper and easy thing like appointing and electing a vice chancellor.
First, the acting successor to the successor to former VC and any other gentleman and God fearing person would request Senate members to be calm. Do you expect him to be violent or request others to be violent?
Meanwhile, the Students’ Union Government (SUG) organized students to say that they reject the Ag VC appointed by the Chairman of Council.
Individuals are writing that the due process was not followed. Did that deter the Woman Professor from assuming office today? No! The video in UNIZIK Facebook wall showed it.
Secondly, some people are talking about level playing ground. Is there no University Act that stipulates the due process? Age bracket (66-under70 years ) is not in the Act and I think not in any Federal University Act in Nigeria.
Meanwhile, the former DVC in UNIABUJA who is a 41-year old lady has been confirmed and appointed by UNIABUJA Governing Council. Is UNIABUJA not same federal university with UNIZIK.
NUC wrote to the Council Chairman and reminded him that he should follow the rules in the act of the University. But he was adamant. I am bold to say that former VC Prof BC Egboka was the former DVC (Administration) during Prof Ilochi Okafor’s regime as the VC. There was no council in place as at that time. Prof Ilochi Okafor handed over the mantle of leadership to Prof Egboka, Minister of Education then issued him with the letter as the Acting VC which the Governing Council rectified on appointment.
Prof Egboka served on Acting capacity for a year within which the Council was inaugurated and due process of VC appointment followed and he served out his five years in office totaling 6 years.
Thirdly, the outgone VC Prof Charles Esimone, followed the due process of electing the Ag VC (Prof Joseph Ikechebelu) before leaving office according to NUC, Federal Ministry of Education directives. As at June 3, 2024, only Prof Joe Ikechebelu was the DVC in UNIZIK. So, the mantle of leadership fell on him. In UNN, there were three DVCs and voting took place at the floor of senate which produced the present Acting VC in UNN.
The Federal Minister of Education refused to write a letter that appoints Prof Joe Ikechebelu as the Acting VC in the absence of Council.
Now that the council was inaugurated, the proper thing was to rectify what the UNIZIK Senate did by issuing Prof Joe Ikechebelu the letter of Appointment.
It is not in the power of the outgone VC to have issued that appointment letter.
Fourthly, Chairman of senate of any university in Nigeria is VC/Ag VC. In UNIZIK, there was a memo scheduling emergency senate meeting on July 19, 2024 which was later rescheduled for July 24, 2024. There was also a Council meeting scheduled for July 20, 2024 which was also rescheduled for July 29, 2024. The Agenda for these meetings was Appointment of Ag VC.
Then 35 professors wrote on Friday evening of July 19, 2024 under the name of NAU Professors Forum that they held emergency meeting of senate and issued a letter to Chairman of Council submitting names of two former DVCs as those qualified to be appointed as the Acting VC.
Who chaired that meeting and who was the secretary?
Chairman of Council turned around, summoned a Council meeting to be held on Saturday July 20, 2024 which ended in stalemate but Chairman and his other four external members left the Council chamber, went downstairs at the car park and issued the letter in the vehicle to another person.
Is it right for Chairman of Council NOT to liaise with the former DVC for a harmonized dates to have held those senate and council meetings respectively. How can he be dictating to the Ag Registrar of the University when and when not to schedule meetings? It is a mess, believe you me.
May the peace of God be and abide with us