The controversy surrounding appointing acting vice chancellor of Nnamdi Azikiwe Universit, Awka, and efforts vehemently being made to foist one Dr. Ifeanyi Bernard Odoh on the University as the vice chancellor is yet to be over as spirited efforts to achieve that has met a brick wall.
In a letter written on request to Kingsley Awuka Esq, Principal Partner, Awuka, Okafor & Partners, captioned: RE: REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE OF THE ACADEMIC STATUS OF
DR. IFENANYI BERI{ARD ODOH OF TIIE DEPARTMEI\T APPLIEI) GEOPHYSICS, FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF GUSAU, PURSUAIT TO SECTIONS 1(1) (2); AI\D 2 (3) (DXVD oF TIIE FREEDOM oF INFORMATION ACT, LAWS OF THE FEDBITATION 201I. the Registrar, Yakubu A. Anivhosso, represented by one Mal. She Suleiman, said,” I Write on behalf of the Registrar to acknowledge your correspondence dated 4’h October,2024 on the above subject. Our records show that Dr. Ifeanyi Bernard Odoh never a staff nor a pioneer I{ead of the Department of Geology. Never shown up in the Department or
though any course (s). ‘thank you.
Dr. Ifeanyi Bernard Odoh
It will be recalled that the Governing Council, under the leadership of the Pro Chancellor, Amb. Greg Ozuomba Mbadiwe has alleged been positioning and repositioning Dr.Odoh to be elected as the Vice Chancellor of the University. It is an effort to achieve this lofty goal that has kept the University polarized.
Some lecturers are allegedly discriminated, sidelined while some intimidated, coerced and bribed. It is alleged that Dr.Odoh has been claiming to be a professor in order to occupy the hallowed position but is alleged to be a mere reader and an associate professor. About three professional groups like Medical and Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria (MDCAN), have put up litigation challenging the delisting their members from contesting for the vice chancellorship.